Bartholomew Cutchey, from the "Ipswich Journal"

Cutchey's Farm is now  called "Moat Farm" and is on the north side of the road from Badwell Ash to Wyverstone, at Long Thurlow, immediately after the road from Badwell Green

2nd September 1809

Stolen or strayed from Mr B Cutchey’s, Badwell Ash near Bury St Edmunds, on Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, August 27 1809, A BRIGHT BAY GELDING PONEY, 4 years old about 14 hands high, long mane, and cut-tail, a few white hairs on forehead, one white foot on the off-side.

Whoever will discover the offender or offenders, so that he or they may be brought to justice, shall on convistion receive TEN GUINEAS reward, of the aforesaid B. Cutchey; beside the reward of FIVE GUINEAS from the Association at Badwell Ash.  If strayed, a handsome reward.

16th March 1811

The paragraph inserted in this Paper of Saturday last, stating that an action had been commenced against me by Mr William Candler, of Stowmarket, for an assault is not true.  In consequence of a summons from a Magistrate, I appeared to answer a charge of having used abusive language towards the said William Candler; and upon my denying his statement, he said , in the presence of the Magistrate, “D- you Cutchey, it is a d- lye.”  This language from a person whose charge against me amounted to no more than abuse, shew that I could be under no necessity of making “proper acknowledgement,” as that paragraph states.  At the suggestion of my friend who thought that the less I had to do with such a man the better I paid a £1 note.  The ostentatious purchase of bread with this money, and the publicity given so falsely of the transaction, tend to the disgrace of William Candler and not of BARTHOLOMEW CUTCHEY.

Badwell Ash, March 13, 1811

19 Jan 1805

Whereas some Person or Persons did in the night of the 7th or in the morning of the 8th instant, kill Three Ewe Hoggetts, in a field in the occupation of Mr Bartholomew Cutchey of Badwell Ash, and left the skins in the field. Whoever will discover the offender shall, upon conviction, receive of the Treasurer of the Badwell Ash Association, Two Pounds Ten shillings Reward, and a further Reward of Five Guineas of the said Mr Cutchey, upon conviction as above.

Badwell Ash January 13, 1805

1st June 1839

At Badwell Ash, Suffolk

On the High Road leading to Eye and Aldborough,

Amost Compact Well-Wooded



Will be Sold by Auction


on Wednesday the 12th June, 1839 at Five o’clock in the afternoon at the Angel Inn, Bury St Edmund’s

Comprising a Genteel Residence, excellent gardens and Orchards (moated nearly round, and most pleasantly situated) with all the agricultural and other outbuildings. and 110 acres of superior land whcih with the house and buildings (except about 13A.) are all Freehold.

This estate which has been more than a century in the late Mr Cutchey’s family, is a most desirable property either for occupation or investment, as an excellent tenant may be obtaines for a term of years at an appropriate rent.

Also in a separate lot, a piece of capital Meadow land, situated in the Badwell Low Meadows, near Walsham le Willows, containing about 4 acres copyhold.

For view apply to Mrs Cutchey, on the premises, where a plan may be seen, and further pariculars may be had of Messrs Golding and King, walsham-le-Willows; and of the aucioneers, Bradfield and Shimpling and printed particulars and conditions will be ready 14 days before the Auction

5th Oct 1839


By Messrs Biddell and Blencowe,

On Monday, October 7th, and following day at 11 o’clock, The entire and valuable Agricultural Stock, including a famous dairy of Suffolk Cows, Dairy and Brewing utensils, and part of the Houseshold Furniture, of BARTHOLOMEW CUTCHEY, Gent deceased; comprising 10 very superior milch cows, young and handsome, well-times in calf; a fine stock bull; 4 capital cart mares and geldings and a promising foal; several fine breeding sows,shoats and stores; capital road & harvest waggons, 2  strong 6-inch wheel tumbrils, lever drill with additional apparatus, chaff-cutter, very good patent ploughs and double ditto, harrows, rolls, cart and plough harness, troughs, bins, ladders, hand tools; exceeding good dairy and brewing utensils of every description; quantity of sawn stuff and building materials.

The household furniture. & which is neat and good, consists of 3 bedsteads and furniture, 4 good featherbeds 4 pair of blankets, 7 pair of sheets, table cloths etc; mahogany dining tables and chairs, new Scotch carpet, chests with drawers, mahogany bureau, an excellent 8 day clock, double painted buffet, a variety of earthenware, & as expressed in catalogues shortly in circulation.


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