Emily Bayly to Haswell and Sydney Bayly 1887

Haswell was born 1874, Sydney 1878, and Emily was born 1840.

The letter was written 9 years after the Suez Canal was opened. 

P&O SS Pekin

Suez Canal


8 a.m.

Dear Haswell & Sydney,

As I have half an hour to spare before breakfast I will write a few lines specially to you, how often the thought comes into my mind, oh if those dear boys were only here how many questions they would ask about the strange and wonderful things to be seen.  Perhaps one day the opportunity will come to you to travel, now is the time to store your mind with useful information about things relating to time and Eternity.  We left Port Said at day break & expect to finish the journey through the Canal by Electric light, the whole of the Steamer has it & it is a great improvement to oil lamps.

12 noon.  I had written this much when I heard such a noise that I ran up on deck and found we had to tie up to allow two steamers to past (sic) then came breakfast, after which I again sat on deck at work to allow the cabin to be put right for the officer to see at eleven, again we are tied up it is slow work but a nice change such a lovely day just like Summer.  I have sent you a photograph of this steamer taken at Port Said in front of the P&O S.N. Co office & near the Light House, it is for you both, but show it to all the Uncles and Aunts, Grandpapa & GrandMama.  I shall look for a letter from you in your Christmas holidays, tell me everything you can think of but each different.  There is a circus troupe in the second class & among them a nice boy about your age Haswell.  I feel so sorry for him, what a different life is before him.  How thankful you should be (& I believe are) that you have Christian parents.  Will you one Saturday go & see Dora & Topper(?) & tell them the news I am sure they will be pleased as also their Mama & Auntie Clara & take the Photograph.  Two Steamers have passed the last a French Troop ship such a number of soldiers (returning Home I should think, how glad the poor men  must be, oh for the time when there will be no  need of War. Peace on Earth & good will to men.  Should you write to Cousin Jane, tell her the news and say I am well, comfortable and so very happy to return to my dear *enance(?) Pupils.  Now we are off once more.  Tenderest love to your dear Parents & yourselves from your loving Auntie Emily Bayly

.  P.S. Tell Dora & Topper? I find the little box they gave me very useful on board


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