Transcription of letter from Margaret Ann (Haswell) Bradley to CFH Bayly 9th July 1891
(at right angles, left top) My love to your dear parents.
9th July 1891
My dear Haswell,
How nice and kind I felt your letter to be (altho it only came this morning) remembered by you on such an eventful day as my eightieth anniversary, many thanks for the same. I was very poorly when I left London but I am certainly much stronger now and hope soon to feel I can walk without fatigue for the country here is so beautiful, I begrudge losing an hour. What a good hen that is, you must take care of her and set (sit?) her another time. Eggs are dear here they charge 9 1/2 for every one we use, we could get them cheaper by going to the market but that costs 2/- so it wd make them dearer.
You have fine long holidays, you have been working to be foremost in the class, now you must work to be strong in body and mind before next term begins, so, to bed early, a good wash in cold water or tepid, then up early and out in the fresh air, remember water is as necessary for bodily health as food is for the stomach. Talking about the weather, yesterday was a splendidly bright day, when suddenly it clouded over and we had about 5 minutes rain in immense drops, then a tremendous clap of thunder and lightning simultaneously the sun broke out again & we had a pleasant drive & after tea a lovely walk coming home laden with honeysuckle and mushrooms which I have just partaken of for my dinner. Auntie will be expecting an answer to her letter shortly and I shall be glad to receive another when you have nothing else to do. Now love, Goodbye may God ? then? & bless you body & soul for Jesus’s sake is the desire of your
loving Grandmother
M A Bradley