Jeremy and Cutchey Family Photos

Records of the Jeremy Family in the Carmarthen area go back to the 17th century, and my family branch is linked to Blaenige and Trefynys farms in the Newchurch area, and later to Cwm du Mawr near Carmarthen. Thomas Jeremy (born 1844) came to London about 1860 as an apprentice to Henry and Robert Parnall who were wholesale drapers. He eventually established his own draper's shop at 165, Camden High Street. He married Jane Mary Cutchey in 1868, and had seven children. Of the five boys, Walter and Henry emigrated to Queensland Australia, but the other three boys helped to run the family business.

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Cwm-du-Mawr near Carmarthen in the 1960s
Abergwili Church where Thomas Jeremy was baptised in 1844
Jane Mary (Maria) Cutchey married Thomas Jeremy in 1868
Maria Cutchey in Welsh Dress
165 Camden High Street in the 1960s
Maria Jeremy with Edwin, Walter, Frederick, Jane, Clarence and Florence about 1898 (Henry had already left for Australia)
Walter & Ellen Jeremy and family in Australia
Aubrey Jeremy, Australian Imperial Force 1916
Edwin & Margaret Jeremy with Pat, Mildred and Thomas
Frederick and Phyllis Jeremy
Jane Parnall Jeremy
Clarence & Miriam Jeremy & family
Florence Eleanor Jeremy
Jane, Florence & Maria with Harold, Douglas and Gwen Bayly about 1912

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